Week 6 Reflection

This week has been action packed. This week, we got to play dodgeball, participate in swimming sports and learn line dances (I didn’t really like that part).

We played dodgeball on Wednesday, like always but we didn’t get to play this Friday. We had Tech and this week, I had to solve puzzles in a Minecraft education escape room. I learnt the basics of coding, and am excited for next week.

On Thursday, the New Zealand Opera came to our school to perform and its was very interesting. I also helped with the Junior Triathlon. I was a runner encouraging the kids. Overall, It was a fun afternoon.

The positive this week was swimming sports because at first, I didn’t want to do it. But I decided to give it a go because what’s there to lose.

Pool Scene Explanation



  1. There is a little girl that is running when there is a sign that says ‘No Running’

The reason this is unsafe is since there is a sign, there could be a reason such as slippery surface or you could easily hurt yourself. 

       2.On the right there is a girl that is about to jump into the water and is about to hit the boy below

The reason this is unsafe is it would definitely hurt if someone jumped on top of you

       3.At the front of the picture, there is a girl pushing another girl into the water

The reason this is unsafe is because the girl looks surprised and off guard and could hit the water head first. 

       4.There is a person with a phone and that about to walk into the water

The reason this is unsafe is because the guy will be taken off guard and also the phone would be destroyed

       5.There is a girl on the left that is about to cannon bomb into the water when there is a sign that says ‘Shallow Water No Jumping’ 

The reason this is unsafe is if there is shallow water then you would hit the bottom of the pool really fast

Week 5 Reflection

One highlight this week was dodgeball (again), I love playing dodgeball with my friends and its always very fun. We usually play dodgeball on Wednesdays and Fridays but this week we only played on Wednesday. Another highlight was playing blooket after maths, the fun part was choosing funny names.

What I learned from this week was Te Reo Maori. I learned how to say a basic greeting where I say ”Hello, My name is ___ and I am ___ years old. This will be very useful in the future.

On Thursday we go to tech and I am in Digital Technology. This week we learned how to put a timer into a computer game by coding. We also learned various other coding to fix games.

Overall, this week I have learnt lots and had fun. I’m excited to see what next week has in store.


Water Safety

Today we learnt about water safety. 3 things you should remember when in, on or around the water are 1: swim in between the flags, 2: wear a life jacket whenever fishing from the shore in case something goes wrong or when on a boat. 3: Take someone with you and keep an eye on each other when you are spending time in or near water.

2 facts I learnt today were that the most drownings in 2022 were Male and 65+.

1 thing I think I personally should remember when in the water is to swim in between the flags. If you swim not in between the flags there is a high chance of rips and big waves.

Fitness Goals

This year I want to improve my fitness. My goals are to swim 7 lengths without stopping, learning how to dive and to tumble turn, I also want to improve my breaststroke and especially my arms. Those were my swimming goals so now I will tell you my other fitness goals. My football goals from this year is to have a stronger kick and better technique when I kick the ball, not dive in when defending, improve my ball skills and improve my confidence on pitch. I don’t really have many basketball goals except to improve my confidence on court.

Reflection Week 3

This week has been our first full week back at school and I’m starting to get used to the schedule.

We had our first tech on Thursday and I’m in group 8C and we are doing digital technology. My teacher is Ms Gorman and she is really nice, On our first session we made a game on a website called ‘Co spaces’. the goal was to make a game where you had to escape from robots in a dystopian world. We to find an object and code it to where if you click it, you win the game.  I am very excited for what has to come. But I’m even more excited for is cooking. I remember last year, The year 8s that did cooking would always have the best food. Like cupcakes, dumplings, bread and much more.

We have been reading a group novel in our kaiawhina groups which I have talked about in a different blog post. In literacy, I’m in Sharon’s group and we have been doing explanation writing. We also did handwriting which was a good practise for my link writing.

Another element of this week was dodgeball but we only played once on Wednesday. But we are going to play later this afternoon which is going to be fun.

A challenge I faced this week was not having my Chromebook because it wasn’t turning on so it had to be fixed. I had to do more book work which slowed things down. My Chromebook was actually fixed today, and is working perfectly now.

In conclusion, this week has been interesting with new things happening. But I’m sure that many more opportunities will come later this term like sports, choice and challenge, swimming and much more.

Kaiawhina Novel

Since the start of the year each kaiawhina group had to do a group novel. I’m in Talei’s and we are reading a book called ‘Trash’ by Andy Mulligan. The main characters Raphael Fernández, Gardo, Rat anf Rosé Angelico. Raphael Fernández and Gardo are to my memory, trash boys and are Behala’s residents. One day they find a bag. Inside the bag is 1,100 pesos, a map, a key labeled 101, and identification for a 33-year-old man named José Angelico who worked as a servant in a rich part of town called Green Hills.  So far, the book has been very intersting and I am excited to listen to more!