Tech 21/11/24

Today was tech. I do sewing and today we had to stuff our pillow. On the bus, I was sitting with Joel and Travis was behind us. Mine took a long time because I thought I was done, then I looked at the other pillows and realised that mine was too thin. So I stuffed mine way more and It took me all of the session. For my design, I chose a PAC-MAN design and I’m going to give it to my parents, because they like arcades (mostly my dad). I can’t wait to see the final product.

Book Covers

Today in literacy we have been learning about book covers. First we analysed various book covers and then we got to make our own. I decided to make a rip off Harry Potter book cover. I chose Harry Potter because I have recently been reading them and I thought it would be fun. I will soon make a story out of the book cover.

Koru Games Dodge ball 2024

This week, 5 teams from our school ‘Rawhiti School’ went to Koru Games. I was in the knights dodge ball team and it was lots of fun. On day one, for transport, I was in Janets’ car which is Angus’s Mum. In the car, we had me, Joel and Wainui. We first went to the Rolleston Selwyn Sports Centre. That was where we had the opening ceremony for the Koru games. All the teams from all across Canterbury were there and maybe even some teams from past Canterbury. We all sat down in the basketball courts, There was a man who was most likely a big part of the games and he gave a speech. I had learnt that this particular Koru game was the 10th anniversary so it was very special. A little while later, a New Zealand Olympian was there and he answered questions from the main Koru games people.

After that, we went to Lincoln University and that was where the dodgeball would be held at. We first had a training session to learn the rules of the game, this was very useful because we didn’t know much about the rules. I still didn’t really understand the rules when we played our first game. The first game we played was against Wood end School and we beat them. At one point, everyone had gotten out and it was only me left, there was two or three people in their team and I managed to get them all. That was maybe one of my happiest moments in the entire tournament. We had a very good team and we won all the games throughout the entire tournament and came out coming first. Overall throughout the entire tournament, the most challenging teams were probably Rakaia School or Cobham intermediate. We did still beat them, but they were still pretty challenging teams. In the finals, we versed Cobham and we won that. During prize giving, we got this awesome trophy and we all got medals. They also announced the MVP for the girls and boys team. For the boys, Noah from our team won and he got a dodgeball tee shirt which looked really cool.


In conclusion, the Koru Games Dodge ball was great experience and we made lots of friends along the way. We had came first for the second time in Rawhiti School. I had a terrific time with my teammates and the supervisors for our team.



Duolingo Term 3 Week 2

Today while learning more Japanese on Duolingo, I tried to skip ahead to unit 6 and I succeeded! I got 96% and it was fun. To skip to unit 6, I had to answer questions about countries, for example, I had to translate Japanese to English. I have now learnt, how to say Britain in Japanese.

Science Fair

This term, Rawhiti School has been focusing on science. To show what our school has been learning over the term, we did a science fair. With displays, marble runs and more. Angus, Jed and I made our own display and I will tell you more, we took quite a lot of time to decide what we should do for our display. We were thinking mentos and coke or devils toothpaste but we landed on elephant toothpaste. Elephant toothpaste is Hydrogen Peroxide, Liquid Dish Soap, Food Colouring (if you want), Warm water and Yeast. When all these ingredients are missed together, it makes a chemical reaction. Elephant toothpaste gets its name because the chemical reaction produces a large foamy mess that looks like toothpaste squirting out of a tube. It is so big that only an elephant could use toothpaste that large. I wasn’t actually here when Angus and Jed did the experiment because I was sick, but Jed and Angus have told me quite a bit about the experiment. They told me when we poured in the yeast it created a reaction that made O2 particles, the food colouring made it so it had colours so it wasn’t white. They were amazed by the colours it made. I do wish I was there, well now I will tell you my experience of the science fair in the hall.

When I got there, I noticed that there were lots of different types of experiments and displays, there were displays about force, hokey pokey, ice cream in a bag, concrete, soap and airplane launches, there were lots more but I was only there for 10 minutes. My favourite displays were the marble runs because you could interact with them and have lots of fun. The science behind marble runs is when you release the marble, gravity starts to pull it down the track. Its potential energy is converted to kinetic energy, the energy of motion. The marble also loses a small amount of energy due to friction, or when it collides with the walls of the track. It was all very fun and also it was cool to see my, Angus’ and Jed’s display.

Lastly, It was awesome to see my class’s periodic table tile. Our classes periodic table tile is the entire periodic table and each student in our class got signed an element and we could show the element digitally or physically as a drawing. I got the element Berkelium and it was cool seeing my tile.

In conclusion, it was very fascinating to see all different types of displays and goes to show how much learning in science Rawhiti School has done this term.

Nano Girl

Yesterday at assembly, Nano girl came. Nano girl inspires, educate and empowers through STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Maths). Based in Auckland, New Zealand. And our school was lucky for her to visit. they did all sorts of experiments like lighting her hand on fire using soap and gas, showing the a ping pong ball can levitate using a leaf blower and more. My favourite experiment that they did was when they used a barrel that was pumped up with some from a smoke machine and shot it at someone else that had a cup on their head and the smoke would hit the cup off their head. After that, Nano girl started firing the smoke contraption at everyone watching and it was very entertaining and cool. Overall, yesterday was a fun day and I hope Nano girl comes again!